Monday, February 23, 2009

Lent Absence

For Lent, one of the things I am doing to offer up a sacrifice to the Lord is giving up my blogging (it is not a business, just ministry ;)) and my Facebook and Twitter.

I did see on Twitter that some saw that and didn't understand WHY I was giving it up for Lent.

One person asked another: What is the point?

The other replied she had no clue as she had no problems using FB and Twitter in her spiritual life, in fact they compliment it.

Neither do I have a problem with it! LOL That is indeed why I blog, Twitter, and Facebook...and have been blogging for about 10 years (Catholic blogging). It compliments my spiritual life, too, to be connecting with other Catholics and doing Catholic evangelism. It's good stuff! ;)

Everyone has to make their own unique life and I don't think you really should be questioning what others are doing as a sacrifice for Lent....someone's sacrifice would not be a sacrifice for another...or not make any sense...perhaps even bad for them. So, I'm not suggesting everyone do this nor that I am doing the "better" thing! ;P No no no.

I am going to take 40 days off as one of my sacrifices for Lent. For me, those things are like "candy" that some "give up"....just some goodie you enjoy...and it's my "candy"so-to-speak and I really enjoy blogging, FB, and Twitter.

So, I'll be back after Lent. :) (God willing, eh?!)

I wish you a blessed Lenten season! :))
God bless you!

PS: Thank you for the invitation, ST BLOGS PARISH, to join! I'll check into that upon returning.

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