Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Creative Minority Report: Abortion Office: Fetuses Displayed In Jars!!!

This story is shocking! FYI. Read story at the link

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

What’s a Wiccan?

What’s a Wiccan?

I cannot get over how common this one is. I have met so many! How about you?

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Are you seeing what you're really seeing?

From PatrickMadrid.blogspot.com:

"Incredible, mind-blowing technology is being used in movies these days that convinces you you're seeing something that's not really there, as this series of back-lot scenes from TV-shows and movie sets reveals.

From an entertainment standpoint, I think all this is truly marvelous. I love how they can simulate anything, any location, any situation using green-screen shoots overlaid with computer graphic illustration (and other such technically devised illusions). But this is also a cause for concern if this grand technology were ever employed nefariously in an effort to deceive people on a wide scale — e.g., to make them think they are seeing, let's say, something menacing or enticing in the sky.

Don't get me wrong. I am happy to see these amazing advances in technology which allow us to expand our ability to imagine. I'm just a little leery about the potential for its misuse. In any case, sit back and enjoy a few minutes of cinematographic magic."

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Praying Cartoons: times have changed.

Something I've noticed watching the old cartoons.
Watch this and check out what Donald's doing at 6:46.....

Now, tell me, when's the last time you saw a cartoon character doing THAT??

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Monday, February 22, 2010

Feast of the Chair of Peter

Today is the Feast of the Chair of Peter, which celebrates the institution of the Office of the Papacy by Jesus, when he gave Peter the keys (Matthew 16:18-20). Please remember Pope Benedict in your prayers today since he is Peter for us in our time. :-)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Old Roman chant - Our Roman Catholic Heritage

From my friend, Deacon John's blog. You know about Gregorian Chant, but this is before that...Medieval Old Roman Chant...part of our Roman Catholic Heritage! Please listen...it's wonderful and our heritage!

Medieval Old Roman Chant.
Title: "Tractus: Qui habitat in adiutorio altissimi".
Service: Adoration of the Cross
Please note: This is the first part. To watch the 2nd part, please click on the first Video Response

This music video coincides with 10000 views of my profile and 200000 views of my videos. I want to thank everyone for their interest and exclaim once more my admiration for this beautiful and misunderstood genre of music, the old religious chant. In my eyes, it represents one of the most artful and exquisite forms of human spirituality and culture and one of the most eloquent expressions of the love and plea of Man to his Creator and his need to communicate with God.
In this regard I post my videos for all to see: For Christians (Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Protestants etc), for Muslims, for Jews and Buddhists, for Hindus and Confucianists, for agnostics and atheists, because I believe that each can find in these chants common ground: love, respect, necessity, plea, reverence, tranquility.
As an "anniversary" video, I would like to dedicate this chant as a prayer for all those who suffer in any way, especially for the most innocent of all, the suffering children. We have built up a world that causes harm to so many children as we cannot imagine. Let this be a prayer for them all, regardless of nationality, gender or religion.
Please go to the info section of Part II for the text of this chant (Psalm 90) in Latin, Greek and English.

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Father Richard Ho Lung & Friends - Sinner

Padre Pio - Celebrates the Eucharist

Padre Pio - Celebrates the Eucharist

Friday, February 19, 2010

lenten resource

Free download "Journey to Jerusalem PDF" for your lenten journey.

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Vatican dismisses Fushek TEEN LIFE FOUNDER from clerical state following investigation

“There is no doubt that the Church has been scandalized by the abuse of minors by Catholic clergy,” Fr. Fraser said. “What makes this case unique is that there is an additional scandal related to the schismatic activities of the Praise and Worship Center. Consequently, those who support and promote Fushek’s public ministry must be mindful of the spiritual danger and grave harm their actions create by supporting and attending his services.”

Fushek gained prominence throughout the 1980s and 1990s for co-founding Life Teen, an international youth ministry program. Bishop Olmsted suspended his faculties in late 2004 after an allegation was made that Fushek engaged in inappropriate behavior in the presence of a minor at the Mesa parish in 1985. Fushek later resigned as the pastor on June 30, 2005.

In the diocese’s statement this week, Bishop Olmsted expressed his concern for Catholics who may be misled or confused by the continuing actions of Fushek, particularly as they relate to the Praise and Worship Center. Diocesan officials reminded Catholics that any ceremonies — baptisms, weddings, confessions, and the anointing of the sick — performed by Fushek or others at the Praise and Worship Center, are not legitimate sacraments for Catholics and would not be recognized by the Catholic Church.

The bishop asked for the diocese’s Catholics to pray for reconciliation and healing in this situation.

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Haiti quake far more destructive than 2004 tsunami: study

The scale of devastation in Haiti is far worse than in Asia after the 2004 tsunami, a study said Tuesday, predicting last month's quake could be the most destructive disaster in modern history.

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Party gridlock in D.C. feeds fear of debt crisis - is our country SAVEABLE?

I used to think it would take a global financial crisis to get both parties to the table, but we just had one,” said G. William Hoagland, who was a fiscal policy adviser to Senate Republican leaders and a witness to past bipartisan budget summits. “These days I wonder if this country is even governable.

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Obama Gives Planned Parenthood Abortion President Frequent White House Access

Visitor logs reveal what pro-life advocates suspected would happen once President Barack Obama took over as presdient. He and his administration have allowed the Planned Parenthood abortion business unfettered access to the White House and top staffers.

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Ron Paul: How Congress Can Stop Roe v. Wade Now

Congressman and former Presidential candidate Ron Paul (R-Tex.) reveals how Congress has the power to correct the high court under the Constitution, derived from Article III, Section 2, by limiting the jurisdiction of federal courts on the issue of abortion.

Click link to read article...

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Skeleton of St Anthony goes on display to the public more than 750 years after his death

Skeleton of St Anthony goes on display to public more than 750 years after his death

Click the link and TAKE A PEEK!! :-)

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Prayer Need: Priest Critical condition....

Cape May priest critical after falling on ice, suffering head injuries

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Miracle Marine had St Michael!!

U.S. Marine Walks Away From Shot to Helmet

St Michael, protector of the Church of Christ on Earth...protect us!

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

CNS STORY: Bishop says Oregon hospital can no longer be called Catholic

Bishop says Oregon hospital can no longer be called Catholic

Time to close the Cafeteria! :D

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Vivificat!: Plenty of Good Reading for Lent at Your Fingertips

Plenty of Good Reading for Lent at Your Fingertips

Tons of Lenten Journey reading!! All in downloadable FREE PDF format. Enjoy!
(Thanks to Patrick Madrid's blog post: patrickmadrid.blogspot.com)

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Preserving Quiet and Solitude (St Francis of Assisi)

Wherever we are or wherever we are going, we have our cell with us. For Brother Body is the cell, and the soul is the hermit who dwells in it, meditating there and praying to God. Therefore, if the soul does not preserve quiet and solitude in its own cell, of what profit is a cell made by hands?

Saint Francis of Assisi
Legend of Perugia - 80

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

The  Comfort Cross is for those suffering,.... give the Comfort Cross to those suffering a loss or in pain of any kind. Or as a constant reminder of Jesus’ presence in our lives 

B. The Free Comfort Cross

For those who are in a time of  trial and or suffering, this cross was created for you. Just e-mail us your information and address along with your prayer needs.
Your Comfort Cross will be on its way. 

Made by Sisters of the Holy Cross...click link above....

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

33 Salutations to the Sacred Heart

Thirty-Three Salutations To the Sacred Heart

HAIL, Heart of my Jesus-----save me!
Hail, Heart of my Savior-----deliver me!
Hail, Heart of my Judge-----pardon me!
Hail, Heart of my Spouse-----love me!
Hail, Heart of my Master-----teach me!
Hail, Heart of my King-----crown me!
Hail, Heart of my Benefactor-----enrich me!
Hail, Heart of my Pastor-----keep me!
Hail, Heart of my Friend-----caress me!
Hail, Heart of the Infant Jesus-----attract me!
Hail, Heart of Jesus dying on the Cross-----atone for me!
Hail, Heart of Jesus in all its Conditions-----give Thyself to me!
Hail, Heart of my Brother-----remain with me!
Hail, Heart of incomparable Goodness-----forgive me!
Hail, Heart most Glorious-----shine forth in me!
Hail, Heart most Amiable-----inflame me!
Hail, Heart most Charitable-----work in me!
Hail, Heart most Merciful-----answer for me!
Hail, Heart most Humble-----repose in me!
Hail, Heart most Patient-----bear with me!
Hail, Heart most Faithful-----make satisfaction for me!
Hail, Heart most Adorable and most Worthy-----bless me!
Hail, Heart most Peaceful-----calm me!
Hail, Heart most Desirable and most Beautiful-----delight me!
Hail, Heart most Illustrious and most Perfect-----ennoble me!
Hail, Heart most Holy, Balm most Precious-----preserve and sanctify me!
Hail, Heart most Holy and most Salutary-----reform me!
Hail, Heart most Blessed, true Physician and Remedy for all our ills-----heal me!
Hail, Heart of Jesus, Consolation of the afflicted-----comfort me!
Hail, Heart most loving, ardent Furnace burning with Love-----consume me!
Hail, Heart of Jesus, Model of Perfection-----enlighten me!
Hail, Divine Heart, Source of all Happiness-----strengthen me!
Hail, Heart of eternal Benediction-----call me to Thee!

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Blessed James Alberione's "Blog"

Blessed James Alberione

This blog contains thoughts of Blessed James Alberione, the founder of the Pauline Family and is dedicated to him. May all who read these postings be touched by the love of God, experienced by James Alberione, and inspires each one in your relationship with Jesus Christ, who is the Way, Truth and Life.

Check it out! :-)

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

SQPN Mardi Gras Podcast Marathon!

Roderick Vonhögen writes:
Our big SQPN Mardi Gras Podcast Marathon is about to begin! Help us finish this year's Giving Campaign and go to http://sqpnconnect.ning.com to watch and chat!

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Fr Corpai helps you make a good Examination of Conscience

Examination of Conscience (Making a Good Confession)
This printable article walks you through the Ten Commandments to help you make a good, honest confession.

Maybe a help for your Lenten Confession.

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy with Fr Corapi!

Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy with Fr. Corapi!

This may be nice for your Lenten Journey!

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Pray the Rosary with Fr Corapi

Virtual Rosary
Pray the Rosary with Father!
An interactive Rosary where Father prays along with you. Complete with descriptions of each meditation and pictures

Maybe you'd enjoy this during Lent! Fr Corapi prays along with you.

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Fr Corapi's Current Website Specials

Personal Testimony Audio Rental
Audio Rental
Approx. 1 Hour

This is normally a little over $6. Now: FREE.

Also--"Combat Pack" is normally 215.00 now 149.00!
"Classic Corapi DVD Gift Pack" is normally 115.00, now 75!


Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Confessions Around the Clock in New York

Confessions Around the Clock in New York

How cool is this news?!

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Ash Wednesday: It's not just for Catholics anymore |

Ash Wednesday: It's not just for Catholics anymore

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Friday, February 12, 2010

Pope Benedict XVI - We Love You - Somewhere Over the Rainbow

This starts w/ Pope Benedict XVI as a kid and then young priest...moving along in life...it's fun to see a life unfold...you never know what plans God has for you, because you always feel just like "you"....but, "fiat" has such power! It has the power of God's Will and Plan behind it! :-)

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Hitler Rails Against Pope Benedict

This is soooo funny! Thanks to Scott Bilik for showing it to me!

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Dominican Sisters of Mary, pt1 , 2, 3 as on OPRAH SHOW

This is part 1 of 3...click through to the next (2, 3).

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Storm could mean snow on ground in all 50 states - USATODAY.com

Snow depths
As of Friday morning, snow covered part of every state except Florida. Alaska, not shown on the map below, is completely snow covered, as are the volcanic peaks of Hawaii.

Storm could mean Snow on ground IN ALL 50 STATES!!

Hmmm?? Sign???

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Rare snowfall in Rome as cold snap grips Italy

Rare snowfall in Rome as cold snap grips Italy


Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Valentine's Day Cards From Abortionists!

Valentine's Day Cards From Planned Parenthood Promote Abortion, Condoms

by Steven Ertelt

Their promotional cards promote abortion, condoms, and promiscuity. Sickening!

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Our Lady of Lourdes

Our Lady of Lourdes
Optional Memorial
February 11th

Traditional prayer card, unknown artist

" I am the Immaculate Conception"

Happy Lourdes Apparition (Our Lady of Lourdes) Feast Day. Click on link for History of Lourdes.

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Iran Set to Deliver 'Punch' to Stun West on Anniversary - International News

Check out this website I found at foxnews.com

On the Feast Day of Lourdes?!

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Earthquake rattles northern Illinois - CNN.com

Earthquake rattles northern Illinois

February 10, 2010 9:59 a.m. EST

My family felt this at 4am in bed...they wrote on their FB's: "What the heck was that?!"

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Most Precious Blood - Vultus Christi

The Most Precious Blood

Father Mark
 on July 1, 2009 10:21 PM | | Comments (4)

Preciosisima sangre de Cristo, Anonimo, Oleo sobre tela, 40 X 26 cms, Siglo XVII- XVIII.jpg

For my friend, Father J.K., C.PP.S., on this Feast of the Most Precious Blood.

Priest of Jesus Christ,
you are forever marked by His Blood.
The Blood of the Lamb flows through you:
It sanctifies your touch;
It comes to flower on your lips;
It purifies and quickens all that you do
in your sacred ministry.

In the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
you offer the Blood of Christ to the Father.
In the Sacrament of Penance
you apply the healing balm of the Precious Blood to souls
and wash them in It's laver.

Your purity, priest of Christ,
is itself the fruit of your intimacy with the Precious Blood.
It manifests the power of the Precious Blood,
making you, in spite of all your weaknesses,
victorious over the world, the flesh, and the devil.

Cultivate, then, a strong a lively devotion to the Most Precious Blood of Christ.
Apply it mystically -- that is, through your priestly intercession --
to souls in need of healing, deliverance, and inner cleansing.

You are the guardian of the Blood of the Lamb,
responsible for It being treated with the utmost reverence and adoration
in Holy Mass and, in particular, at the distribution of Holy Communion
under both species.

Preach often on the power of the Precious Blood
received in Holy Communion.
Tell souls that the Most Precious Blood of Jesus is
the price of our redemption.
the salvation of the world,
the glory of the Holy Sacrifice,
the vesture of Christ's priesthood,
the beauty of His altar,
the splendour of His saints,
the defeat of Satan,
the reconciliation of sinners,
the healing of those wounded by the evil serpent,
the shining purity of priests,
the life of those who follow the Lamb,
the peace of the troubled,
the remedy for every ill,
the soul's desire,
the astonishment of the angels,
and the joy of the Church.

Priest of Jesus Christ,
you are His minister, set apart to handle and to dispense His Precious Blood.
In making you the minister of His Blood,
Jesus entrusts you with His Life,
so that through you His life might be communicated to souls.
You are the guardian and dispenser of His Blood:
heaven's greatest treasure and the salvation of the universe.

He is the Lamb once slain Who lives forever.
His Blood flows still from the wound in His Side;
It is the stream that irrigates the Church
and brings health to souls weakened by sin.

Cultivate an intense devotion to the Precious Blood.
The Blood of Jesus is the power of your priesthood
and, where His Blood is, there too is the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is communicated most richly in the mystery of the Blood.
When you receive the Blood of Jesus
you receive an infusion of the Holy Spirit;
the Life of Jesus courses in your veins,
making you with Him one Priest, one Victim,
one Son eternally beloved of the Father.

Speak of the power of the Blood of Christ
to heal the soul's wounds,
to bring peace to troubled hearts,
to reconcile enemies,
to transform sinners into saints,
to lift those degraded by vice into the pure and holy happiness of virtue.

Invoke the power of the Blood of Christ to defeat Satan,
to liberate souls from bondage to sin,
and to establish peace where there is unrest and disquiet.
Have a boundless confidence in the might of the Precious Blood.
Wheresoever you invoke the Blood of Jesus,
there will He establish the peace and joy of His Kingdom,
casting out the spirits of darkness who labour incessantly
to bring about the ruin of families,
and of communities,
and of every attempt to overcome evil with good
by living in prayer and in charity.

The Precious Blood is the most potent remedy
for the ills that cause so much suffering in the world;
and that remedy has been given to you, priest of Jesus Christ, in a limitless way.
You are a physician of souls,
sent out to bring healing to the brokenhearted
and freedom to those enslaved by sin.

When the Precious Blood of Jesus touches the lips of a priest,
it purifies them of sin,
and descending into his heart, makes him fit for the Work of God.
Reflect on the immense grace that is yours, day after day, at the altar.
You are marked by Christ's Most Precious Blood in the eyes of the Father.
That same mark of the Precious Blood terrifies demons,
and It accredits you to do all that Christ commands you to do
through His Holy Church.

Priest beloved of the Heart of Jesus,
adore His Precious Blood.
Make known It's power.
Teach souls to have the greatest reverence for the mystery of the Blood.
Call down upon yourself and upon souls
the protection and infinite merits of the Blood of the Lamb.

The Blood of Jesus Christ is fire in the soul of the priest who acknowledges It's power.
Be the priest of His Precious Blood,
just as you are the priest of His Heart,
and of His Eucharistic Face.
These are the mysteries by which you are sanctified
and configured to Him,
Who is eternally Priest and Victim.

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Senate bans forced microchip implants  

By Ernie Suggs

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

5:14 p.m. Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Senate voted Thursday to protect Georgians from evildoers, covert corporations and rogue doctors, seen and unseen, with the passage of a bill that would make it illegal to implant a microchip into someone without their permission.

The bill, ironically sponsored by Sen. Chip Pearson (R-Dawsonville) and Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers, would make it a misdemeanor to implant someone against their will with a microchip, sensor, transmitter or other tracking device. The Senate passed the bill 47-2.

“We are sending the message that Georgia is committed to upholding its citizens’ constitutional rights and protection of their person,” Pearson said. “Advances in technology are moving fast, and while most of these are for the good, we must be careful that it doesn’t come at the harm of citizens.”

But is this really a problem in Georgia?

Pearson said that he knows of no case in Georgia where someone has been involuntarily microchipped. He added that during his preliminary meetings on the bill, no one came to complain about it, and he has heard of no conspiracy plots or theories to put implants in massive amounts of Georgians. The notion that legions of people have been forcibly implanted by the government, aliens or nefarious corporations runs rampant throughout the Internet and in science fiction movies. Think Neo and his forced implantation by Agent Smith in "The Matrix."

“I have no firsthand knowledge of anything,” Pearson said. “I am simply trying to get ahead of this and protect the people. We don’t know what is going to happen.”

Pearson added that any information put inside a chip and then implanted into someone’s body can just as easily be stored somewhere above the skin.

“The benefits of a microchip that can be internally implanted are also available in many external forms,” Pearson said.

There have been a handful of corporations worldwide that have begun developing technology to inject people with implantable devices. In 2004, the VeriChip was approved by the FDA. Proponents say that implantable chips could help in identifying victims of major tragedies like Sept. 11 or the Haitian earthquake, or even wandering Alzheimer’s patients.

Pearson’s bill would clear the way for people who want implants. The bill does not prevent anyone from being able to voluntarily have a microchip implanted -- as long as the implantation is performed by a doctor and is regulated by the Georgia Composite Medical Board.

But opponents say that the devices can lead to unwanted surveillance and even cancer. There are some who say that it has religious implications and that the implantable devices are the "Mark of the beast."

If the bill, SB 235, gets past the state House, Georgia would join Wisconsin, North Dakota and California as states that have passed laws prohibiting the forced implantation of microchips in people.

Pearson said the bill has actually been floating around the Capitol for several years. In 2007, Rep. Ed Setzler (R-Acworth) introduced a bill in the House that didn’t go anywhere.

Pearson is hoping that his bill will be received favorably in the House.

But some critics of the bill wonder what the point is.

“This is a solution in search of a problem,” said Sen. Vincent Fort (D-Atlanta), one of only two senators to vote against it, along with Sen. Ronald Ramsey (D-Decatur). “We are spending our precious time -- with a billion-and-a-half-dollar deficit -- with something that is not a problem.”

Just interesting.

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Monday, February 8, 2010

Blessings for All Things/Occasions

Copyright © 2010 Trinity Communications. All rights reserved. Terms and conditions for use. Contact Us.

A Trinity Communications web site. Programming, design and hosting by Trinity Consulting.

Check the website above for 92 blessings online.

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Free Download: The Religious of Our Lady of Charity in Solitude : or, Meditations for an eight-day retreat according to the spirit of Blessed John Eudes

The Religious of Our Lady of Charity in Solitude : or, Meditations for an eight-day retreat according to the spirit of Blessed John Eudes

You can read this online as a book (cool) OR as a PDF or Kindle or many other online ways....free....

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Watching Oprah tomorrow??

Watching Oprah Just This Once

I know we’re not Oprah fans here.

But tomorrow the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist will be her guests.

If you tune in, come back and tell us about it here!

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Prayer Need: Sydney Priest who faked cancer moved to Perth - CathNews

Sydney Priest who faked cancer moved to Perth

This priest needs our prayers....

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Click to Give @ The Hunger Site

Don't forget to bookmark and click daily! :-)

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Light A Candle for Haiti

8,986,607 candles have been lit from 242 countries, including 13,140 candles in last 2 days.

Our prayers go out to the people Haiti, mourning the loss of life and property in the earthquake's aftermath and seeking to rebuild from the ruins

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

"A Good Day" video - Brother David Steindl-Rast

http://www.youtube.com/v/3Zl9puhwiyw&rel=0" />

Today, in a very hectic moment, I ran across this wonderful video called “A Good Day” by Brother David Steindl-Rast.

Invite your kids to watch it with you.

Steindl-Rast is a Benedictine monk who contributes to the website gratefulness.org, which offers many wonderful ways to express your gratitude for your family, your life, and all the other blessings showered on us all.

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bienvenue sur le site officiel des Sanctuaires Notre-Dame de Lourdes (France) | Lourdes

The Press Association: God is in my life, says Ringo Starr

God is in my life, says Ringo Starr

(UKPA) – 22 hours ago

John Lennon dismissively sang "God is a concept by which we can measure our pain" - but now his former Beatles bandmate Ringo Starr has revealed after decades of searching, he has become a believer.

Ringo told how he had been looking for enlightenment since he was riding high in the charts more than 40 years ago.

And in an interview with the Los Angeles Times he said his spiritual side was "more prominent" on his new album Y Not.

Copyright © 2010 The Press Association. All rights reserved.

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Fake Reality Show "Bump" has Viewers Deciding Which Woman Gets Abortion

Fake Reality Show "Bump" has Viewers Deciding Which Woman Gets Abortion

I'm certain you heard of this disgusting thing..but if not, I share....

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

CNS STORY: Vatican official says religious orders are in modern 'crisis'

Vatican official says religious orders are in modern 'crisis'

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Moon Viewer

Viewing the Moon

In addition to the Earth, you can also view the Moon from the Earth, Sun, night side, above named formations on the lunar surface. or as a map showing day and night. You can also make expert and custom images of the Moon.

Cool beans.

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

View from Satellite

View from Satellite

To view the Earth as currently seen from a satellite in Earth orbit, choose the satellite from the list below and press the "View Earth from Satellite" button. The satellite database is updated regularly but may not reflect the current position of satellites, such as the U.S. Space Shuttle, which maneuver frequently after reaching orbit.

Very neat to see God's good earth! :-)

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Your Sky: View from Cities around the World

View Sky from Cities around the World

Very neat to see God's good earth...scroll down to your main city nearby and view the sky...

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Cat predicts 50 deaths in RI nursing home

Cat predicts 50 deaths in RI nursing home

A cat with an uncanny ability to detect when nursing home patients are about to die has proven itself in around 50 cases by curling up with them in their final hours, according to a new book.


Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Voodoo priests plan national memorial to honour Haitian dead

A week of mourning is scheduled to begin as early as next week with a service in front of the destroyed presidential palace.

The event will include a traditional voodoo funeral rite for the more than 150,000 people who died in last month's earthquake, said Max Beauvoir, the supreme priest of Haitian voodoo. Roman Catholic and Protestant leaders have also been invited to participate.

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Court to combine Vt. priest lawsuits

the diocese says it will sell its 32-acre Burlington headquarters overlooking Lake Champlain — a historic property valued at $6 million — and its former Camp Holy Cross in Colchester.

"The diocese hopes the money will generate enough proceeds to settle all these cases," McCormick said.

The 118,000-member church has yet to decide where it will relocate the offices of Vermont Bishop Salvatore Matano and most of its statewide clerical and charitable programs.

Jesus prunes the trees...separates chaff from wheat as He said.....painful...but necessary for our growth....prayers needed...

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

St. Thérèse's Spiritual Little Brother

St. Thérèse's Spiritual Little Brother

Interview With Author of Book on Marcel Van

Interesting as I myself never heard of him...here he is even a Servant of God! How nice to learn of him!

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Prayer Need

Woman, newborn triplets found dead in Shelton

Let's say a prayer for this family...

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

CNSNews.com - Obama Adviser Stands by Statement That Pope Benedict XVI Is 'Hurting People in the Name of Jesus'

Obama Adviser Stands by Statement That Pope Benedict XVI Is 'Hurting People in the Name of Jesus'

We have to VOTE these guys out of office in my opinion.

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Catholic Exchange » God, Goblins, and Ghosts

When people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing - they believe in anything — G.K. Chesterton.

Belief, of any sort, is part of the human psyche. Without faith in God, that belief may lie in science, so that one wonders of the mysteries of the universe whether or not they will be solved in one’s life time. Or that belief may lie in the realm of gods, pixies, warlocks, aliens, or the Easter Bunny.  When a person stops believing, it is not that a person believes in anything, it is that they become distracted and thereby believe in lesser things. They believe in little green men and do not believe in little red devils. They believe in flying saucers and do not believe in flying angels. They believe in goddesses and goblins and do not believe in the glories of God.

Recently, there has been a surge of TV shows that promote such distractions whose main premise is aimed at the supernatural, particularly ghosts. On my last count that are no fewer than 6 shows of this sort: A Haunting, Ghost Adventures, Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters International, Ghost Labs, and Paranormal State.

click to read more....but, let's resolve never to settle for second best when it comes to the spiritual life!!!

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

NFL Football Players Support Tim Tebow, Pro-Life Super Bowl Ad With Mom

NFL Football Players Support Tim Tebow, Pro-Life Super Bowl Ad With Mom

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Catholic Exchange » Print » CBS News Legal Analyst Slams Feminist Critics of Tebow Super Bowl Ad

CBS News Legal Analyst Slams Feminist Critics of Tebow Super Bowl Ad


Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic

CHINA - UNITED STATES Beijing threatens Obama: relationships at risk if he receives the Dalai Lama - Asia News

Beijing threatens Obama: relationships at risk if he receives the Dalai Lama

My my my...look at who's calling the shots now, China! What a surprise. We let them have our real estate, we owe them tons of money...now, they are feeling the "master" "servant" attitude...being huge huge commies, no surprise. Let's see what our president Obama does....

Posted via web from I'm just one Roman Catholic