Helloooooooo there :-)
Just a note to say I have been super busy and unable to post anything here in a while (obviously). I have been active on Facebook ("1RomanCatholic") and Twitter (@1RomanCatholic) and G+ (under "Kelly Catholic"). Basically, that was about all I could do. I AM STILL HERE & I will definitely be back...planning this summer...to more regular posting!
Thanks so much for checking in on me! Check back. :-)
1RomanCatholic's Catholic Blog
A Catholic Blog of miscellany Catholic things.
Grab a cuppa and enjoy!

Saturday, May 23, 2015
Friday, December 28, 2012
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!!
I was offline so I didn't get to wish you it on my blog (but did in my heart *wink*) but I am wishing you a very blessed and Merry Christmas now!
What is the Catholic Liturgical Year? Here is a link to check out: http://www.aquinasandmore.com/catholic-articles/the-catholic-liturgical-year/article/208/sort/relevance/productsperpage/12/layout/grid/currentpage/1/keywords/calendar
(I like to leave long real links so you can see what you are clicking or in case you like to typei it yourself into your browser).
How long to YOU personally leave up your lights and Christmas Decor? It is not regulated and it is purely up to you. We tend to wait until Jan 5th/6th for the most part. We see more people leaving them up/on longer lately v.s. the 26th "tear down".
As for us, we had 2 sick kids over Christmas (one had to miss Christmas Mass). So, we enjoyed everyone (there are 6 of us) just being "off" work/school and being relaxed together at home. I didn't really get any nice Christmas photos due to the sick ones this year and insert sad face here! lol Maybe my daughter will re-dress up and fake a few nice shots. (I really will try to get her to. ha. I'd love a picture in her new lovely Christmas dress...at least one!). We do not have any relatives in the state so we have no visiting to do, so it really has been relaxing (tee-hee).
Well, I hope you had a nice Christmas and I still hope you are enjoying the joy of it!
God bless you!
I was offline so I didn't get to wish you it on my blog (but did in my heart *wink*) but I am wishing you a very blessed and Merry Christmas now!
What is the Catholic Liturgical Year? Here is a link to check out: http://www.aquinasandmore.com/catholic-articles/the-catholic-liturgical-year/article/208/sort/relevance/productsperpage/12/layout/grid/currentpage/1/keywords/calendar
(I like to leave long real links so you can see what you are clicking or in case you like to typei it yourself into your browser).
How long to YOU personally leave up your lights and Christmas Decor? It is not regulated and it is purely up to you. We tend to wait until Jan 5th/6th for the most part. We see more people leaving them up/on longer lately v.s. the 26th "tear down".
As for us, we had 2 sick kids over Christmas (one had to miss Christmas Mass). So, we enjoyed everyone (there are 6 of us) just being "off" work/school and being relaxed together at home. I didn't really get any nice Christmas photos due to the sick ones this year and insert sad face here! lol Maybe my daughter will re-dress up and fake a few nice shots. (I really will try to get her to. ha. I'd love a picture in her new lovely Christmas dress...at least one!). We do not have any relatives in the state so we have no visiting to do, so it really has been relaxing (tee-hee).
Well, I hope you had a nice Christmas and I still hope you are enjoying the joy of it!
God bless you!
A Note from Kelly,
Catholic Quotes
Quotes of the Early Fathers and Christians of the Church (33AD to 750AD)
If it were better for the world not to exist, then why did God, in making the world, take the worse course? No, God did not work in vain or do what was worst. God ordered the creation with a view to its existence and continuance.
St. Methodius of Olympus (250-311AD) on the World
Mini-Bio: Asia Minor; bishop, ecclesiastical writer, martyr
Saints throughout the Age of the Church
The disbelief of Thomas has done more for our faith than the faith of the other disciples. As he touches Christ and is won over to belief, every doubt is cast aside and our faith is strengthened.
Pope St. Gregory the Great (540-590AD) on Doubt
Mini-Bio: Roman; pope, abbot, liturgist, reformer, statesman, Doctor of the Church. He helped the poor while spreading and strengthening the faith. He wrote extensively on moral and theological subjects.
Holy Quotes from the Popes of the Church
Mary Immaculate, she who has been redeemed in a privileged manner, is the sign of the beginning of God's project to make all things new. It is she who unveils, with her singular grace, the new life introduced by God the Father into the most intimate depths of the human person.
Blessed Pope John Paul II (1920 - 2005AD)
Mini-Bio: pope: (1978 - 2005) Polish; The most traveled pope in history. During his papacy he has issued many letters clarifying and safeguarding the Church's teachings in moral areas. Has consecrated his papacy to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Quotes on Mary, Our Blessed Mother: a Marian Potpourri
Scripture meditation: The angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found grace with God." Luke 1:30
Reflection: The Immaculate Conception is the name that reveals with precision who Mary is. Mary is profoundly holy in the totality of her existence, from her very beginnings.
Blessed Pope John Paul II (1920 - 2005AD)Prayer: O Mary, you are all-holy. Help me to strive after holiness by doing the will of God as it becomes clear to me through each day's events.
Mini-Bio: pope: (1978 - 2005) Polish; The most traveled pope in history. During his papacy he has issued many letters clarifying and safeguarding the Church's teachings in moral areas. Has consecrated his papacy to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
IThese quotes are brought to you by http://www.askacatholic.com
"Promoting Catholic Apologetic support groups loyal to the Magisterium"
Question and Answer Knowledge base: http://www.askacatholic.com/
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
If you want to help the world’s poor, support the religious orders
If you want to help the world’s poor, support the religious orders
Missionary orders stay with the destitute long after every western charity has left
Great article here:
Boston cardinal emphasizes need for Catholics in politics, media
Boston cardinal emphasizes need for Catholics in politics, media:
Catholic Home Study Service
Catholic Home Study Service invites you to learn more about our faith by studying at home. Nine free courses, faithful to the teachings of the Church, are available. When you request a course, you will receive a textbook and a workbook with study questions. After reading a section of the book, you can send your workbook answers either over the internet or by postal mail. They will make whatever corrections are necessary and answer any questions you want to ask. All who complete the course receive a graduation certificate. There is NO charge for the course, and NO ONE will call on you. You may take the course alone or with friends or family members.
Check it out here:
Catholic Home Study Service,
Friday, December 14, 2012
Tomorrow, my little girl makes her first Reconciliation.
So sweet a child.
We all once were so sweet and innocent.
I love looking at her baby cheeks and her big saucer blue eyes.
It is nice to know we can always be forgiven when we sin (if we are truly repentant & also intend to not do that sin anymore) by Christ Jesus.
And, your soul can be washed clean again.
Fresh start.
Jesus doesn't put a limit on His Love for you,
nor how many times He is willing to forgive you.
Fresh start.
Whenever you want it.
Whenever you are truly repentant and have full intentions not to commit that sin again.
It's too much a gift to even think about.
You could think about it forever.
The depth of Love there is incredible and infinite.
That is how much you and I are loved.
Never let your arrogance or pride tell you "but THIS sin CANNOT be forgiven!"
It could be!
Do not insult God by putting limits on Him.
Who do you think you are?
It is arrogance and pride that make you think that.
Think about it.
Humble yourself.
Look at the Crucifix and Passion scene.
That was for you and for ANY sin you may commit in your earthly life
He wants you in Heaven for Eternity
and He was willing to do whatever He had to to give you EVERY hope!
You are loved THAT much.
In fact, your confession of "THAT" sin gladdens His Heart!
He knows that you want to be with Him for Eternity
and He definately WANTS YOU!
That is why He created YOU!
To live with Him forever in Heaven a wonderful eternal life.
All it takes is being humble and repentant
and a firm purpose of admendment of your life.
That is it!
Do not let arrogance or pride let you miss out on a
blissful beautiful eternity in Heaven!
If you have not, read the Diary of St Faustina.
It is very much there where Jesus lays out all about His Divine Mercy.
He gave messages to St Faustina all about it and
wants the messages read by sinners to help them
understand His great Love and great Mercy!
It is said (and I think true!) that Satan takes away all your shame while you are sinning
but gives it back in spades when it comes to confessing them!!
So, your fear does not come from God.
God doesn't give out fear. Satan does.
So, feel the fear and do it anyways if you are fearful!
And, afterwards, treat yourself to a big ice cream or pizza piece or some celebatory dessert.
After all, all of Heaven is rejoicing!
You are back!
Welcome home! :)
Lord, Have Mercy
Offline today just numb with the horribly sad news of the mass murder of the innocents before Christmas. Precious little kids. I have a daughter of similar age. I could not wait for her to get off school so I could hug and kiss her again. My heart breaks for all the heartache the families are going through.
For all those I see who post online that they believe "there is no sin" and there is "no hell"...take a look at today. That was sin, not virtue. That would be the face of sin. Deliberate un-repentant type of murderers will not die and go to the same place as those who live good lives, and at cost to themselves at that, and the same place as little innocent children such as today. That is crazy.
"Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!" ~ Deut. 30:19
For all those I see who post online that they believe "there is no sin" and there is "no hell"...take a look at today. That was sin, not virtue. That would be the face of sin. Deliberate un-repentant type of murderers will not die and go to the same place as those who live good lives, and at cost to themselves at that, and the same place as little innocent children such as today. That is crazy.
"Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!" ~ Deut. 30:19
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Blessed Conrad of Offida (he is interesting)
Today is also the birthday of Blessed Conrad of Offida, Franciscan friar who was said to have inherited St. Francis's own guardian angel.
Miracles in the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe:
Explanations of all the miraculous things associated with the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe:
Pope launches Twitter Account! @Pontifex
Happy Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe!
Happy Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe!
"You are my trusted Ambassador." ~ Mother Mary to St Juan Diego
CAN she say that about us?
"I am the ever-virgin Mary. Mother of the true God who gives life and maintains it in existence. He created all things. He is in all places. He is the Lord of Heaven and Earth." ~Mother Mary to St Juan Deigo (and to us)
"Am I not your Mother?" ~ Our Lady of Guadalupe
"Do not fear." ~ Our Lady of Guadalupe
"Only peace..." ~ Our Lady of Guadalupe
"Do not be distressed and afraid...am I not here with you who am your Mother?"
~Our Lady of Guadaupe
As far as in known in these times, the image of the BVM on St Juan Diegos' tilma is the ONLY divine image of the BVM that exists on earth!! Do you have it in your home? Do you have it in a place of honor~~an image that God painted?
If you never read the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe, today would be a great day to look it up online and read it!
Mother of God,
our lady of guadalupe
Catholic Quotes
Quotes of the Early Fathers and Christians of the Church (33AD to 750AD)
O holy Mother of God, remember us who boast of you, and who in noble hymns celebrate the memory that will ever live and never fade away.
St. Methodius of Olympus (250-311AD) on Mary, Our Blessed Mother
Mini-Bio: Asia Minor; bishop, ecclesiastical writer, martyr
Saints throughout the Age of the Church
Modern times are dominated by Satan, and will be more so in the future.
St. Maximilian Kolbe (1894-1941AD) on the Devil, Lucifer, Satan
Mini-Bio: Polish; Franciscan priest, founder of Knights of Mary Immaculate, martyr
Holy Quotes from the Popes of the Church
You produce music, poetry and art, drama, painting and sculpture, and literature. All those things reflect the soul of a nation being influenced by the Spirit of Christ for the perfection of humanity.
Blessed Pope John Paul II (1920 - 2005AD)
Mini-Bio: pope: (1978 - 2005) Polish; The most traveled pope in history. During his papacy he has issued many letters clarifying and safeguarding the Church's teachings in moral areas. Has consecrated his papacy to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Quotes on Mary, Our Blessed Mother: a Marian Potpourri
Scripture meditation: Not only are you beautiful to behold, but you are eloquent in your wisdom. If you do as you have promised, your God shall be my God. Judith 11:23
Reflection: Mary found glory for herself and for others, because through here the gate of heaven was opened to us. For inasmuch as God came down to us through her, it is right that through her we should ascend to God.
St. Bonaventure (1221-1274AD)Prayer: O Mary, you bring God to us and us to God. Help me to follow your inspirations every day, so that I may remain united with your Divine Son throughout my life.
Mini-Bio: Italian; cardinal-bishop, Franciscan minister general, philosopher, theologian, Doctor of the Church
These quotes are brought to you by http://www.askacatholic.com
"Promoting Catholic Apologetic support groups loyal to the Magisterium"
Question and Answer Knowledge base: http://www.askacatholic.com/
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