Saturday, December 8, 2012


Wow, it is kind of weird to see that for the most part (besides today and yesterday's post) my sabbatical was 1 exact year to date!!! Wow!!! From Immaculate Conception to Immaculate Conception! I don't think I could have planned that any better! heehee.

I was offline due to health and family issues that had to be dealt with and whenever anything serious comes up, this blog, while always here, will go on the "back burner."  Priorities first. ;-)  But, I'm always here.  I was (and am) still Twittering the entire absensce here and was for the most part on Facebook.  I still replied to and prayed for the prayer requests that came in.  So, feel free to catch me on Twitter if this goes a little quiet (or FB)...or send me a line, but I'm here ;-).

Anyhow, my health things have cleared up and I should be back online posting regulary soon...but not so regularly until after the HOLYdays.

I wish you all a very blessed Advent season!  Jesus IS the REASON for the SEASON. Let's not forget it! Amen.


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