Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Christian Comfort Poem Called "Despair"

A Christian Poem:

Sometimes it seems Lord that despair overwhelms
And I find myself unable to see you.
I forget you in hard circumstances,
Forget that you died for me,
Out of Love
Forget that you
Are in control of my life,
That you are on the throne, ruling,
That all nations bow before you.
I forget that you are GOD

Lord my heart forgets your fatherhood
It fears for the future,
For hurts that may be encountered
Imaginings that may never be faced.

But you come to me and again I see you as if anew, feel the warmth of your
I hear your voice gently chiding a precious child
“Do not fear the sound of the waves around you
You shall not sink beneath them
You shall rise above your circumstances
There is a redeemer
One who chose to obey me, to face the cross to die in rejection and pain
So do not fear the future
It is in my hands not yours.
There is a redeemer one who will always be at your side.
My Son in you the hope of Glory.Chris Gibson

Don't lose heart....God sees you, your circumstance, and loves you...believe in His deep tender love for you through all your circumstances.

Posted via email from I'm just one Roman Catholic

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it's difficult to listen inside to that voice of Grace that warns and reminds us.