Monday, September 27, 2010

Liberalism is a Sin

Liberalism Is a Sin," by Don Felix Sarda y Salvany, a priest of Barcelona and editor of a journal called La Revista Popular

In 1886 there appeared in Spain a little work under the title El Liberalismo es Pecado, "Liberalism Is a Sin," by Don Felix Sarda y Salvany, a priest of Barcelona and editor of a journal called La Revista Popular. The book excited considerable commotion. It was vigorously assailed by the Liberals. A Spanish Bishop of a Liberal turn instigated an answer to Dr. Sarda's work by way of another Spanish priest. Both books were sent to Rome, praying the Sacred Congregation of the Index to put Dr. Sarda's work under the ban. The following letter, under date of January 10, 1887, from the Sacred Congregation itself, explains the result of its consideration of the two volumes:


Most Excellent Sir:

The Sacred Congregation of the Index has received the denunciation of the little work bearing the title El Liberalismo es Pecado by Don Felix Sarda y Salvany, a priest of your diocese; the denunciation was accompanied at the same time by another little work, entitled El Proceso del Integrismo, that is, "A refutation of the errors contained in the little work El Liberalismo es Pecado." The author of the second work is D. de Pazos, a canon of the diocese of Vich.

Whereupon, the Sacred Congregation has carefully examined both works and decided as follows:

In the first, not only is nothing found contrary to sound doctrine, but its author, D. Felix Sarda, merits great praise for his exposition and defense of the sound doctrine therein set forth with solidity, order and lucidity, and without personal offense to anyone.

The same judgment, however, cannot be passed on the other work, that by D. de Pazos, for in matter it needs corrections. Moreover, his injurious manner of speaking cannot be approved, for he inveighs rather against the person of D. Sarda than against the latter's supposed errors.

Therefore, the Sacred Congregation has commanded D. de Pazos, admonished by his own Bishop, to withdraw his book, as far as he can, from circulation, and in the future, if any discussion of the subject should arise, to abstain from all expressions personally injurious, according to the precept of true Christian charity; and this all the more since Our Holy Father, Leo XIII, whereas he urgently recommends castigation of error, neither desires nor approves expressions personally injurious, especially when directed against those who are eminent for their doctrine and their piety.

In communicating to you this order of the Sacred Congregation of the Index, that you may be able to make it known to the illustrious priest of your diocese, D. Sarda, for his peace of mind, I pray God to grant you all happiness and prosperity, and subscribe myself with great respect,

Your most obedient servant,


Secretary of the Sacred Congregation Of the Index.

The following short chapters on Liberalism are mainly and substantially Dr. Sarda's book, put into English and adapted to our American conditions. Their need and their use will be best understood and appreciated by their perusal.

Contents: see:

Posted via email from I'm just one Roman Catholic


Information Related to Specific Dissenting Organizations and People

Click here to get a Dissent Section Index...

(BTW, we have been busy with doctor visits and such, so I have been offline with that...hopefully we will all be better asap and I'll be back regularly online soon!) :)

Posted via email from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Bathe Seven Times - Bellwether Online Store

Bathe Seven Times

I REALLY loved this book. It's great and I wanted to recommend it.

Product Description
BATHE SEVEN TIMES is our #1 best seller! An in-depth, contemplative look at the seven capital sins, their roots, the surprising places in which they conceal themselves in our lives, and how to identify them by their manifestations – anger, greed, lust, pride, envy, sloth, gluttony and the spirits that are operating within each one. What are “families of spirits”? What weapons are available to us right now to combat these sins? What are the Virtues, the Fruits and Gifts of the Spirit which we can use to aggressively defeat the power of sin in our lives, our families, the world? Includes an in-depth Examination of Conscience for each capital sin. (Also available in Spanish)

Click link for more:

Posted via email from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Mother Nadine on ‘The Reality of Spiritual Warfare and the Sacramental Life’

Mother Nadine on ‘The Reality of Spiritual Warfare and the Sacramental Life’

Nice article.

Posted via email from I'm just one Roman Catholic

ZENIT - Colombian Martyr Showed Heroic Obedience

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Jesús Aníbal Gómez Gómez Was Killed for Being a Seminarian

Article here:

Posted via email from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Prayer Is Never Detached from Reality-by Pope Benedict 16th

Prayer Is Never Detached from Reality

If you have not read it, Read the article Here:

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12 Painless Ways to Evangelize as a Catholic

12 Painless Ways to Evangelize

Click here for full article! :)

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Faith Facts for easy to read answers to specific Catholic questions...

Faith Facts

"If you have a question about Catholic teaching, Faith Facts provide a clear, accurate, and understandable explanation of what it is we believe as Catholics." --Archbishop Charles J. Chaput

Click link for all faith facts they list:

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Effective Lay Witness Protocol

Effective Lay Witness Protocol

To assist the faithful when controversies arise, the Church has given certain procedures that should be this link to read more! :)

Posted via email from I'm just one Roman Catholic

Quote of the Day: Something that's beyond man is happening....

Quote of the Day:

"Something that is beyond man is happening. America today begins to turn back to God. For too long, this country has wandered in darkness. "

--Fox News talk show host Glenn Beck, speaking Saturday (Aug. 28) at the “Restoring Honor” rally he helped organization on the National Mall.

Posted via email from I'm just one Roman Catholic

ASIA/PAKISTAN - Caritas Pakistan: urgent appeal for “female doctors to treat women”

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Posted via email from I'm just one Roman Catholic

AFRICA/SOUTH AFRICA - Bishops: No to the law on the media...

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Posted via email from I'm just one Roman Catholic



VATICAN CITY, 1 SEP 2010 (VIS) - Pope Benedict's general prayer intention for September is: "That in less developed parts of the world the proclamation of the Word of God may renew people's hearts, encouraging them to work actively toward authentic social progress".

  His mission intention is: "That by opening our hearts to love we may put an end to the numerous wars and conflicts which continue to bloody our world".
BXVI-PRAYER INTENTIONS/                    VIS 20100901 (80)

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Prayer Need: Satanist Church Rents Out Oklahoma Civic Center for Exorcism Ritual of GOD - ABC news

Satanist Church Rents Out Oklahoma City Civic Center for Exorcism

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