Lay Day of Fast for Priests
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Lay Day of Fast for Priests 2011
Suggested Format of Fast (Text)FAST will be from Dawn until 3.00 PM.
Participants can fast from any thing that will allow each to
share in some way in the sacrifice of Our Lord. Fasting from
Food, Television, Speech,Cigarettes or anything else will be
offered for the fast hours on behalf of our priests in the
local, national and Universal Church.Suggested 3.00 PM Concluding Service
- Eucharistic Adoration -ending at 3.00 PM
- Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
- World Mission Rosary for Our Priests
- Closing Benediction
- Prayer for Priests (Text)
ALL CONTENTS Copyright ARK Ministries, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
Would that today you might fast so as
to make your voice heard on high, this
is the fasting that I wish which will
release those bound unjustly and untie
the thongs of the yoke. It will set free
the oppressed. Then your light shall
break forth like the dawn, and your
wounds shall quickly be healed; your
vindication shall go before you and the
glory of the Lord shall be your
rearguard. Then you shall call and the
Lord will answer, you shall cry for help
and He will say: Here I am!(adapted from Isaiah 59: 6-14)
Sign Up for the
2011 Lay Day of
Fast for Priests
$-->The Sixth annual, worldwide Lay Fast for Priests will take
place on Saturday, 22 October 2011. Every lay member of
the Body of Christ is invited to join the global fasters from
all corners of the Universal Church who want to lift up our
priests to Almighty God for their protection, divine
sustenance and fidelity to the ministry of Holy Orders.
A Catholic Blog of miscellany Catholic things.
Grab a cuppa and enjoy!

Friday, September 23, 2011
Archbishop Fulton Sheen credited with baby's stunning recovery
Archbishop Fulton Sheen credited with baby's stunning recovery
St. Padre Pio and Giovanna: The debt he paid for a soul :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)
St. Padre Pio and Giovanna: The debt he paid for a soul
Every September 23, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast day of St. Padre Pio. This holy Capuchin priest from Pietrelcina, Italy was widely known for his supernatural gifts of bi-location, reading souls and the bodily marks of Christ, better known as stigmatas. What may be less known, however, was the debt he willing to pay in order to save souls.
Pope says Catholic-Jewish dialogue important for society
Pope says Catholic-Jewish dialogue important for society
The Nazi "reign of terror" clearly demonstrated the depths of evil that men are capable of when they deny God and the dignity of all people he created, Pope Benedict XVI told leaders of Germany's Jewish community.
Can you help Deacon John?
Please Donate for my wife’s Kidney failure Medical bills. She’s on weekly Procrit shots . You will always be in my daily prayers. God Bless+
"I work a part-time job to help pay for the medications and doctor visits, but it’s really tough making ends meet. "
Deacon John has GREAT internet work (check out his blogs!) and is a great, I just post this to share IN CASE someone reading this has extra funds that they won't really miss and are looking for a decent person to help. :)
A Priest is not born of an Angel
“A priest is not born of an angel but of
a mother. He is chosen from amongst the
people, is anointed with the Sacrament of
Priesthood and returned back to the people,
to the Church – into their care, their prayer
and their love. The priest is a sign of the
omnipotence of our God. Pray for priests.
Love them. Support them. Help them to be
holy. We are weak and fragile. If your knees
are not bent in prayer for us, we stumble and fall. We need your prayer.” - Fr. Jozo Zovko ofm
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Vienna cardinal takes tough line on priest revolt | Reuters
(Reuters) - The head of Vienna's Roman Catholic community ruled out sweeping changes demanded by dissident priests and said there could be "serious conflict" if they defied Church teaching on celibacy or give communion to remarried divorcees.
Atheist scholar wanted a Catholic funeral - CathNews
Smith was baptised a Catholic and specified a Catholic funeral service, stressing, however, that, ''I will die an atheist''. He was a Marxist to the end, but tempered his politics with the knowledge that in life we are measured by our achievements.